What are the five basic needs of all human beings? Describe them briefly.

How do you think becoming a peer counselor will benefit your life? Be specific.

Think about peers you have trusted and perhaps confided in. What makes these peers trustworthy, or what qualities, behaviors, experiences, or actions make you comfortable confiding in them?

Respuesta :

Answer No 1:

The five basic needs of all human beings are

Clean Air: Clean air is required by organisms so that they can breathe. Clean air will provide an organism with clean oxygen which is an essential for organisms.

Water:  Water is the the basic necessity of life. 60% of a human's body is made up of water.

Nutrition: Food with the right amount of nutrition is required by every organism as an energy source.

Shelter: Every organism requires a place where it can live and reproduce.

Sleep: Sleep is one of the basic necessity of an organism's life.

Answer No 2:

Peers counselling makes a person to attain the skills of active listening and problem solving. These skills can help the person to apply these skills in a useful manner in real life situations. Peer counselors will better listeners and hence this attribute will help them to increase their knowledge. They will be have better qualities for solving life problems.

Answer No 3:

The peers I confided into were the best of listeners. They were fully dedicated towards me and helped and supported me. In this was,I was able to confide in them. Also, I had a 100% belief that the peer counselor will not leak out any information about me which makes it better to trust them.