Zachary is a 17-year-old male who appears boastful, conceited, and arrogant. When someone accuses him of being that way, he flies into a rage. He shows little care for others and is often envious when others are recognized for their achievements. He is also prone to daydreaming and fantasizing about the success that awaits him.

Respuesta :

Answer:The diagnose for Zachary would be Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

Explanation: This type of disorder is connected with the following behaviors; the person shows little care for others and is often envious when others get reconized for their achivements. People with this type of this disorder are also prone to daydreaming and fantasizing about the success that awaits him.


His behavior shows that he is suffering from Narcissistic personality disorder.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

It is such a personality disorder in which a person develops traits like that of a narcissist.

  • The person tends to consider himself or herself most important and always correct.
  • The persons doesn't show care for others and doesn't concern for others.
  • The person wants that everyone should praise him or her and nobody has the right to criticize.

In our case, the 17- year male is showing such personality traits like he is arrogant and boastful and doesn't show care for others.