This assignment is to code a simple hangman game. The game should choose a random word out of a list of words that are coded into the program and ask for guesses. You should include a total of 20 words, lengths ranging from 4 to 12 letters long . Each time a person guesses wrong, it should decrement the total number of guesses (5 incorrect guesses allowed, on the 6th incorrect guess the game ends with a loss). When the user guesses the word or if they lose, they have the option of playing again. The expected output should be text based.

Respuesta :


Programming language not stated.

I'll use python for this question


import random

# library that we use in order to choose

# on random words from a list of words

words = ['rain, 'computer', 'science', 'program, 'python', 'mathematics', 'player', 'condition','reverse', 'water', 'board', 'geeks','learn','school','days','scholar','collar','flood','house','flies']

# Function will choose one random word from this list of words

word = random.choice(words)

print("Guess the word")

guesses = ''"

# 5 turns

turns = 5

while turns > 0:

# counts the number of times a user fails

failed = 0

# all characters from the input word taking one at a time.

for char in word:

# comparing that character with the character in guesses

if char in guesses:




# for every failure 1 will be incremented in failure

failed += 1

if failed == 0:

# user will win the game if failure is 0 and 'You Win' will be given as output

print("You Win")

# this print the correct word

print("The word is: ", word)


# if user has input the wrong alphabet then it will ask user to enter another alphabet

guess = input("guess a character:")

# every input character will be stored in guesses

guesses += guess

# check input with the character in word

if guess not in word:

turns -= 1

# if the character doesn’t match the word then “Wrong” will be given as output


# this will print the number of turns left for the user

print("You have", + turns, 'more guesses')

if turns == 0:

print("You Loose")