According to Freud, during the phallic stage of psychosexual development, little boys have conflicting feelings of love and hate toward their mothers that cause them to identify with their fathers. This phenomenon is called:

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Oedipus Complex


Sigmund Freud used the term 'Oedipal Complex' for the psychological state occurred during the Phallic stage of development. In this stage, libido, the life force, is concentrated in what is termed as the erogenous zones, of the child's body. In this stage, a child experiences an unconscious desire for his mother and jealousy toward his father.

Freud says that in the Phallic stage, a child identifies with his father due to fear of castration or because of the competition of his father. A child with this complex, tends to identifying with his father since he desires to develop masculine characteristics. At the same time, the child represses his sexual desire toward his mother

Freud studied Greek mythology, for example, Oedipus Rex, the drama by Sophocles in which Oedipus marries his mother Jocasta after killing his father.