Mass Class
The Mass Class represents a group of consumers who are currently enjoying the growth in prosperity of many developing nations. This growth in prosperity among other factors have allowed these consumers to afford mass produced but quality goods that were previously available either to consumers in developed nations or just to the wealthy.
The Mass Class is actually, a combination of the previously known Global Middle Class and also a part of the high ended class in the society. The consumers in the Mass Class as stated in the question are able to afford high-quality products aside the very high end demands such as luxury cars, housing and college education among others.
Factors that led to the Growth of the Mass Class
1. The unprecedented growth in developed nations keeps encouraging organisations and companies to continue to produce even high quality goods and services at subsidized rates. These makes these previously accessible products now accessible to the masses
2. These organisations and companies that previously only had branches or stores in developed nations are now able to open branches of their stores in developing nations due to the increae in globalisation and wealth status of these nations as well
3. Global access through advertising and communication are getting better. Means of delivery and cargo transportation are also getting cheaper. Online platforms like Amazon, Aliexpress among others are also ensuring that people can order things from hundreds of thousands of miles across the world and get them delivered in short periods of time.