The central dogma of molecular biology describes the two-step process, transcription and translation, by which the
information coded in DNA is used to make proteins or polypeptides.
In this graphic, the ribosome is seen moving down the mRNA strand to the next codon, allowing tRNA to place amino
acids in the proper sequence to produce a protein. Which statement below does NOT support this statement?
The codon on the tRNA strand at site D is lined up with the anticodon on
the mRNA strand.
The codon on the mRNA strand at site D is lined up with the anticodon on
the tRNA
TRNA, labeled C, contains a series of 3 bases complementary to those on
mRNA and is carrying an amino acid to place in the protein sequence,
The ribosome is moving along the mRNA strand, labeled B while tRNA,
labeled C, lines up for the amino acids to attach to the growing protein