A golfer starts with the club over her head and swings it to reach maximum speed as it contacts the ball. Halfway through her swing, when the golf club is parallel to the ground, does the acceleration vector of the club head point straight down, parallel to the ground, approximately toward the golfer's shoulders, approximately toward the golfer's feet, or toward a point above the golfer's head?

Respuesta :


a) parallel to the ground True

c) parallel to the ground towards man True


To examine the possibilities, we propose the solution of the problem.

Let's use Newton's second law

      F = m a

The force is exerted by the arm and the centripetal acceleration of the golf club, which in this case varies with height.

In our case, the stick is horizontal in the middle of the swing, for this point the centripetal acceleration is directed to the center of the circle or is parallel to the arm that is also parallel to the ground;

Ask the acceleration vector

a) parallel to the ground True

b) down. False

c) parallel to the ground towards True men

d) False feet

e) the head. False