Number 1.) Fill in from 1 on the x-axis to 17 and fill it in half-way on the y-axis.
Number 2.) Fill in from 2 on the x-axis to 9 on the y-axis. If you're worried they'll notice, try to fill in the entire box but just enough to not touch the next line.
Number 3.) Fill in from 3 on the x-axis to 3 and fill it in half-way on the y-axis.
Number 4.) Fill in from 4 on the x-axis to 1 and fill the cube in half-way on the y-axis.
If you're getting confused with the x-axis and y-axis mambo jumbo, the x-axis is the horizontal line. On the simple box to the left, you can determine the x-axis by the left column; And opposite for the y-axis as well. Y-axis is the vertical line and right column on the left graph. Hope you enjoy! If this exclamation is still too confusing, just watch a video on Youtoobe to actually see what I'm talkin' about. Hope this helps and make me brainliest please!