An 82 year old man is seen in the primary care office with complaints of dribbling urine and difficulty starting his stream. Which of the following should be included in the list of differential diagnoses?
a. BPH
b. Parkinson's disease
c. Prostate CA
d. all of the above.

Respuesta :

Answer: d. all of the above.


The common cause of the hesitancy of urination in older men is the enlarged prostate gland. The older men are found to have trouble in dribbling, starting urination and weak urine stream. The following problems may be diagnosed for such symptoms:

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a condition in which the size of the prostate gland increases. The symptoms of the condition include frequent urination, inability in urination, loss of control over the bladder, weak stream and trouble in urinating.  

In Parkinson's disease, the person may experience problems due to bladder. The frequency of urination increases even if the bladder is not full.  

In prostate cancer, the prostate gland creates pressure over the urethra. This leads to problem for getting started with urination or urinary hesitancy, weak urine stream and incomplete emptying of the bladder.