
Which statement best describes the relationship between the Fourteenth
Amendment and individual citizens' rights?
A. The Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause forces the
federal government to defer to state legicatures on issues of
individual rights
B, The Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection clause requires!
that all individuals be treated as equals by the government
C. The Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause ensures that the
federal government respect individuals' Bill of Rights protections
D, The Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection clause prevents the
government from making policies that consider a citizeris race.

Respuesta :

Answer: D. The Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection clause prevents the government from making policies that consider a citizen's race.


The Fourteenth Amendment contains 2 important clauses: "the due process" clause and "the equal protection" clause.

"The due process" clause prevents states, at federal and state level, to pass or enforce laws that deprive citizens of life, liberties and property without "process of law".

"The equal protection" clause grants equal protection under the law to all American citizens (including African Americans). This specifically refers to African Americans, because they were oppressed in many situations (in courts, by the states or by individuals), when the 14th amendment passed. The 14th amendment specifically contained the equal protection clause to make it clear that African Americans are Americans too, irrespective of their race.

So the answer that applies is D.



