You have learned in class that changing the pH or temperature of the environment can denature an enzyme. When an enzyme
is denatured, it's shape changes, preventing it from forming an enzyme-substrate complex and slowing the reaction or even
causing it to stop. Your group is curious about what might denature catalase. What would be the most appropriate hypothesis to
use if you wanted to test conditions that could denature catalase?
If the amount of liver is increased, then the reaction rate will increase
If the hydrogen peroxide is warmed, then the rate of the reaction will
If the liver is placed in an acidic solution, then the reaction rate will
If the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is decreased, then the reaction
rate will decrease

Respuesta :


If the liver is placed in an acidic solution, then the reaction rate will decrease.


The correct answer is "If the liver is placed in an acidic solution, then the reaction rate will decrease".


Enzymes are proteins that catalyze reactions and are active at specific environmental conditions. One important condition is the pH, where each enzyme work best at a specific pH. In the case of the enzyme catalase, if the liver is place in an acidic solution, then the reaction rate of the enzyme will decrease. At acidic conditions catalase will start to denature, which will affect its activity and will slow down the reaction rate of the enzyme.