Respuesta :


3 e⁻ transfer has occurred.


This is a redox reaction.

  • Oxidation (loss of electrons or increase in the oxidation state of entity)
  • Reduction (gain of electrons or decrease in the oxidation state of the entity)
  • An element undergoes oxidation or reduction in order to achieve a stable configuration. It can be an octet or duplet configuration. An octet configuration is that of outer shell configuration of noble gas.
  • [Ne]= (1s²) (2s² 2p⁶)

A combination of both the reactions( Half-reactions) leads to a redox reaction.

Let us look at initial configurations of Al and Cl

[Al]= 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p¹

[Cl]= 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁵

Hence, Al can lose 3 electrons to achieve octet config.

and, Cl can gain 1e to achieve nearest noble gas config. [Ar]

This reaction can be rewritten, by clearly mentioning the oxidation states of all the entities involved.

Al⁰ + Cl⁰ → (Al⁺³)(Cl⁻)₃

Here, Aluminum is undergoing an oxidation(i.e loss of electrons) from: 0→(+3)

Chlorine undergoes a reduction half reaction (i.e gain of electrons) from: 0→(-1). There are 3 such chlorine atoms, hence 3 e⁻ transfer has occurred.