Sam Houston specifically picked the field of San Jacinto to fight what he believed would be the final battle in the Texas war for Independence. Describe what advantages and disadvantages this location offered.

Respuesta :

Battle of San Jacinto was important in Texas revolution


Battle of Jacinto is significant in Texas revolution. Sam Houston of Texas led the forces that defeated the Mexican general Santa Anna and after the decisive victory of Texas Sam Houston became the president of republic in Texas and later US senator. Unaware of the strategic position of Texas camps, Santa Anna also opened a camp on the banks of a small stagnant river. Mexicans were absolutely uninformed of the imminent attack from Texans.

Texans under the command of Houston opened fire continuous fire on Mexican camps. As the Mexicans were not in position to counter attack due to extreme weariness, many flee for their lives only to fall into the river or creek nearby. Within twenty minutes, Mexicans surrendered and a treaty was signed by Santa Anna who agreed to retreat from Texans and Mexicans left the soil.