clear all;
- clc and clear all are used to clear all previous garbage values.
- A function is declared that gives a matrix named outMat. BenMatBorder is the function name that has a parameter inMat passed as reference.
- The number of rows and columns from the given matrix are stored to make another matrix frame.
- frame is another matrix that has same order as given matrix and ha all values equal to 1.
- Now the values except of border entries(top row, bottom row, left column, and right column ) of frame are set to zero.
- The logical command is used that says wherever the frame value is true (1) make it equal to 0.
- So all the border entries (top row, bottom row, left column, and right column ) will become zero stored in inMat
- Now make outMat = inMat to store the matrix into outMat.
- end will exit the function.
Now whenever an initialized matrix is given as a parameter to the function GenMatBorder, it will give the output by making border elements zero.
i hope it will help you!