Your roommate, who has not studied climate, says, "I thought the greenhouse effect was a bad thing. Isn't it what's causing global warming?" Which of the following statements might you use to help your roommate understand the true nature of the greenhouse effect?
Select the two that apply.
a) Earth would be more livable without the greenhouse effect.
b) Some gases, like carbon dioxide and water vapor, "trap" the heat radiated by Earth, causing warming.
c) When there are more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect is stronger.
d) Carbon dioxide is the only greenhouse gas that matters.

Respuesta :


b) and c)


Greenhouse gases are gases found in the atmosphere that absorb infrared radiation and trap the sun’s heat, thereby producing an effect known as greenhouse effect. By this natural way, the earth is able to be kept warm at an optimal temperature, to make it habitable for humans and other organisms. These gases referred to as greenhouse gases include, carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour and other trace gases found in the atmosphere.  Greenhouse gases could be likened to the glass in a greenhouse that helps in trapping heat to keep the greenhouse warm at optimal temperature necessary for plant growth and development.

Without this natural greenhouse effect caused by greenhouse gases, life on earth would be almost impossible as the earth would almost be covered with ice below 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

The increased level of greenhouse gases we now find in the earth’s atmosphere is responsible for the additional warming of the earth’s surface, causing an enhanced greenhouse effect which results in global warming.

Statement a) cannot be used as an explanation because it is false. Greenhouse effect makes the earth habitable.

Statement d) cannot be used as an explanation because carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas that matters. Water vapour, CFC and methane also have impacts.

Statement b) and c) are the best statements to use in explaining the true nature of greenhouse effect.