Select the account to be debited
Equipment Prepaid Insurance Building Land Land Improvements
These are the accounts which are given in the question
1. Sales tax on factory machinery purchased $ 5,000 - Equipment account as it it is related to factory machinery
2. Painting of and lettering on truck immediately upon purchase 700 - Equipment account as it it is related to factory machinery
3. Installation and testing of factory machinery 2,000 - Equipment account as it it is related to factory machinery
4. Real estate broker’s commission on land purchased 3,500 - Land as the land is purchased
5. Insurance premium paid for first year’s insurance on new truck 880 - Prepaid insurance as the advance insurance is paid
6. Cost of landscaping on property purchased 7,200 - Land improvements - as the landscaping cost is come under the land improvements
7. Cost of paving parking lot for new building constructed 17,900 - Land improvements - as the parking lot is come under the land improvements
8. Cost of clearing, draining, and filling land 13,300 - land - as the cost is incurred which is related to the land
9. Architect’s fees on self-constructed building 10,000 - Building - as the cost is incurred which is related to the building