The correct answer is D. All of the above.
Simplification in the field of taxes can be observed considering the tax structure, if it implies a complex tax system there will be higher compliance and administration costs, but the complexity of the system is sometimes difficult to eliminate. There are few simple things in tax compliance.
There are complications that can be avoided and these usually begin with the fact that the officials of the Tax Administration are unaware of the tax regime or the provisions of the tax laws. Usually this is linked to a limited knowledge of tax law as a discipline with a dogmatic of its own. The public function in the field of tributes is often occupied by assuming the Turkish proverb that says: "If Allah gives you authority, it will also give you the intelligence necessary to know how to command."
Regularly every official in the area of tax law is a kind of legal autarchy that knows spontaneously and naturally the subject under his responsibility. Thus, in each general rule or in each resolution or decree, concepts that are clear in the Tax Code are redefined, but redefined to give it another meaning in accordance with the notions just arrived at the Administration. Arranged with the pragmatic and practical statute that on the road the load is rigged.