Write a program whose input is two integers and whose output is the two integers swapped.

Ex: If the input is:

3 8
then the output is:

8 3
Your program must define and call a function. SwapValues returns the two values in swapped order.
void SwapValues(int* userVal1, int* userVal2)


/* Define your function here */

int main(void) {

/* Type your code here. Your code must call the function. */

return 0;

Respuesta :


The program to this question can be given as:


#include <iostream>  //header file

using namespace std;   //using namespace.

void SwapValues(int* userVal1, int* userVal2); //function declaration.

void SwapValues(int* userVal1, int* userVal2) //function definition.

{ //function body.

//perform swapping

   int t = *userVal1;  

   *userVal1 = *userVal2;

   *userVal2 = t;


int main() //main method  


int n1, n2; //define variable

cout<<"Enter first number :"; //message

cin>>n1; //input by user.

cout<<"Enter second number :"; //message  

cin>>n2; //input by user.

SwapValues(&n1,&n2); //calling function.

cout<<"Swapped values"<<endl;

cout<<"first number is :"<<n1<<endl; //print value

cout<<"second number is:"<<n2<<endl; //print value

return 0;



Enter first number :3

Enter second number :8

Swapped values

first number is :8

second number is :3


The description of the above C++ language program can be given as:

  • In the program, firstly we include the header file. Then we declare and define a function that is "SwapValues()" function in the function we pass two integer variable that is "userVal1 and userVal2" inside a function, we define an integer variable that is "t" and perform swapping.  
  • Then we define the main function in the main function we define two variables that is "n1 and n2" this variable is used to take value-form user. then we pass this value to function and print the function values.