If this adolescent is high score on the Impulsive-Conduct, is expected of him to have impulsive behavior, and maybe in stress situations can be more likely to respond in this matterviolen. But if he has emotions, he is not totally unawere of others, and this can be of help to stop him when acting impulsive.
An impulsive person in this case can act without thinkig, regardless of consecuenques, but if he doesn´t have the callous-unemotional facto, this means that he can some how learn to contol his impulses, because he considers others, and he has emotions that can be of help when acting on impulse. The officer should have this in hand to his benefit.
A person that is impuslive and has callous-anemotional can surley have no regards what so ever for consequences, or for others. This is a characteristc found in psychopathy.