Respuesta :
can be fatal
spread from one person to another
communicable diseases are also known as transmissible or infectious diseases. These are the diseases which are caused by pathogens including viruses, bacteria etc. these diseases are called communicable because they can pass on to another person very easily through the body fluids of infected person, hence spread from one person to another.
communicable diseases can be fatal also. some fatal communicable diseases include: HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis.
( fatal disease : a disease which can cause death of an individual )
- Some examples are the flu and common cold
- Can be fatal
- Are spread from one person to another
A communicable disease is characterized by being a disease that is transmitted by direct contact from person to person, as is the case of the flu and the common cold. In the case of influenza, and in the case of a communicable disease, contagion can be done through non-direct contact with the virus. This is because, despite being a disease that is easily transmitted by cold, the virus becomes more resistant and survives longer outside the body.
These diseases spread easily among people and for this reason are difficult to control, in addition, many of them can be fatal.
The form of contagion of a communicable disease is variable. For example, a very contagious and very common disease in Portugal is chickenpox. In this case, the contagion happens by air or by contact with people infected by the disease. Therefore, the patient should stay away from all people who are at high risk of complications if they are infected with the virus.
Another communicable disease and, much talked about recently, is measles. Measles can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia or meningitis. However, today, children are protected from measles when they get the vaccine that is part of the national vaccination plan. The measles contagion is done through breathing, coughing and sneezing.