50% of sperms will be abnormal with duplication and deletions. There are 25% chances of production of normal sperms without any translocation while the rest 25% sperms will have balanced translocation.
A person with balanced translocation forms four types of gametes. There is a 25% probability of the formation of normal sperm. Segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis I would give 25% of the sperms with balanced translocation of chromosomes 4 and 12. Rest 50% sperms will exhibit deletion and duplication for the segments of chromosomes 4 and 12.
Out of the 50% abnormal gametes, half of the gametes will have a deleted segment of chromosome 4 and the duplicated segment of chromosome 12. Likewise, the rest of these gametes will have a deleted segment of chromosome 12 and a duplicated segment of chromosome 4. Therefore, there are 50% chances of the production of abnormal sperms.