Stigma occurs when someone having a certain trait or physical feature that can be part of illness usually will badly be labelled and rejected by the others because of these attribute,
When someone becomes labelled, this stigma becomes a permanent mark that can lead a person to be isolated from others and they will be treated with a stereotype or a negative attitude that discriminates and damages his personal and general well being.
Often stigma leads to mental health and social impairing as a person will experience hardships to live a "normal life".
The social justice movements or human rights groups often get involved seeking to bring about a real change towards issues that can lead to stigma.
Examples: most health problems have a stigma and therefore mental health organizations work to promote a better of understanding of the illness and to eliminate the stigma making conditions for the family members and the local community to understand better the situations around the concerns.
With real understanding and higher education, stigma can be lowered.