Choose 2 religions (Christian/Buddhist/Hindu/Shinto/Islam) OR 2 denominations (Roman Catholic/Lutheran/Calvinist/Anabaptist/Orthodox; Sunni/Shi’as) and compare and contrast their influence on politics and/or society in Renaissance Era (approx. 1300-1650). Hint: You may need to look in Units 2 and 3 for information about some of these religions/denominations.

Respuesta :


Catholic Church

From the High Middle Ages until the mid sixteenth century, the Catholic Church was hegemonic in Western and Central Europe. The Pope had great political power, and kings sought his approval.

The influece of the Catholic Church in society was hegemonic too. Most people in the era were poor farmers who worked small plots of land, many of them in servitude, even if feudalism was weakening by the end of this period. Their lives revolved around work and church. However, most of them were illiterate, and could not read the Bible. They were subject to the teachings of the local catholic priests.

The Catholic church had direct political control over a region of central Italy known then as the Papal States. The pope raised armies and levied taxes, just like the king of any other state.


Calvinism originated in Switzerland, in the early to mid sixteenth century. The leader was Jon Calvin, a swiss theologian who opposed many of the aspects of the Catholic Church. He did missionary work in Switzerland and Italy, and a movement around his teachings began to form, especially in Geneve.

Calvinism argued for a strict life guided by the teachings of the bible. As other protestant denominations, it promoted literacy among its members so that each one of them could read the bible, as the bible was considered the only and direct source of theological wisdom.

Calvinism influenced the other denominations in Scotland, the Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavia. It also influenced the Puritans in England.