1. Falso
2. Falso
1.Machu Pichu se ubica en Perú.Las ruinas incas de Machu Picchu se encuentran a medio camino entre las cimas de dos montañas, a muchos metros de altura. / Machu Pichu is located in Peru.The Inca ruins of Machu Picchu are halfway between the tops of two mountains, many meters high.
2. Machu Pichu es un sitio turístico muy visitado, por eso pusieron un tope de 500 turistas diarios, siendo que asisten hasta mas de 800. /Machu Pichu is a very visited tourist site, that's why they put a limit of 500 daily tourists, usually, there are more than 800 tourists daily visits.
3. Hay servicios de guías/There are guide services.