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Sugar act, stamp act, Townshend act, Boston tea party, Boston massacre, currency act were all the different type of taxes levied on the colonial America and due to the heavy burden of taxes people started to revolt the crown and desired for self-government.


Many pilgrims and puritans traveled from England and with the help London entrepreneurs who financed their colonies planed to settle in America. Jamestown, Virginia was the first colonies in which the British settlers colonized. British expelled French from the borders of America and protected the colonies from the threat of French and Indian annexations. This made British to exploit American colonies to earn revenue in the homeland.

Common men in the colonies were burdened with different kind of taxes such as molasses act; sugar Tax, Currency which prohibited the new colonies from printing their own currency. The crown also imposed Townshend act under which everyday items used by the colonial settlers were taxed, under the stamp act, people were taxed for every piece of paper they used. In addition to burdening the colonial settlers, they were not given any representation in the parliament to speak out the impact it caused on the economic stability of colonies.

This annoyed the colonial settlers and they desired for self-governance. May flower compact was the first document which had rules and orders for self-governance and every member had to abide by it as it was the promise which was made in the name of god.

The ideas of self-government that influenced American colonial reaction to British imperial authority in the period from 1754 to 1776 were the following.

  • Mainly, American colonists were influenced by Enlightenment thinkers and philosophers.
  • During those years, American colonists were angry and upset by the heavy taxation imposed by the British crown.
  • So Enlightenment ideas of self-government that influenced Americans came up from the minds of great thinkers like Voltaire, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean Jaques Rosseau.
  • Buth there was one specific thinker who really caught the attention of American colonists: Baron de Montesquiou.
  • Montesquiou wrote "The Spirit of the Laws." in 1748, a treatise about a different form of government.
  • One of the American colonists who were most impacted by this treatise was Thomas Jefferson.
  • Montesquiou proposed an interesting form of government based on three branches: an executive branch, a legislative, and a judicial branch,
  • Years later this system became the foundation of the US government after the Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia in 1787.

We conclude that these Enlightenment thinkers developed great and innovative concepts about republican governments, social contracts, and liberties that directly influenced ideas of the Revolutionary War and the French Revolution.

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