Frank kafka wrote this story in 1912. He wrote two famous stories in 1912 namely;
"Das Urteil" ("The Judgment") - his breakthrough story.
"Die Verwandlung" ("The Metamorphosis") - the more famous of the two, and with more insight to European culture in 1900s.
So, let us discuss "The Metamorphosis" only.
Absurdity of Life
In "The Metamorphosis", Franz Kafka's one of the major themes is the absurdity of life. This theme is revealed in the very beginning of the story. Gregor’s transformation into a giant insect is absurd and shows life is absurd, uncertain and may take any shape. This absurdity of life is a feature of European culture of 1900s.
The Limits of Sympathy
The sympathy in relatives is not long lasting. It is temporary and lasts as long as the person is useful. Gregor's sister and mother are most sympathetic initially, but when more times passes, they become less concerned and want to get rid of the situation/insect. It shows materialism of European culture of that time.
Money is a motif present throughout the story. Gregor's during his transformation think many times about money and about his job. There is also a mention that Gregor's boss suspects him of stealing money from the firm. The motif of money also given an insight into materialism of early twentieth century Europe.