The sun radiates energy. Does the earth similarly radiate energy? If so, why can’t we see the radiant energy from the earth?
1. Yes, the earth radiates energy, but only in the sense that the energy is reflected sunlight, which we can’t see from the earth’s surface.
2. No, the earth does not similarly radiate energy.
3. Yes, the earth radiates energy, but since the peak frequency f is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the radiator, the wavelength of the radiation is far too long for us to see.
4. Yes, the earth radiates energy, but since the peak frequency f is directly proportional to the temperature of the radiator in degrees Kelvin, the frequency of the radiation from the earth is in the ultraviolet range (so that.

Respuesta :

Yes, the earth radiates energy, but since the peak frequency f is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the radiator, the wavelength of the radiation is far too long for us to see.

Answer: Option C


Radiations or light rays are the basic name for electromagnetic energy packets travelling through space. It goes extremely quick (multiple times around the earth in one second) and can go through a vacuum. It needn't bother with material to travel in.

It has numerous structures, including visible light, infrared (IR), bright (UV), X-beams, microwaves, and radio waves. These are a no different structure of energy, just with various frequencies and measures of energy. Various frequencies of radiation communicate with an issue in an unexpected way, which causes them to appear to be more changed to us than they truly are.