Which of the following is the type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables?
A) Open source DBMS
B) Two-tiered DBMS
C) Relational DBMS
D) Pre-digital DBMS
E) Hierarchical DBMS

Respuesta :

Answer: (C) Relational DBMS


 The relational database management system (DBMS) is specifically designed for the purpose of relational databases by using the concept database management system.

 The relational database is basically refers to the DBMS which store the data or information in the form of structured format by using various columns and rows.

The relational DBMS makes more easy to access the values which is more specific in the database management system.

Therefore, the relational DBMS is one of the type of logical database system that basically treats the data in the form of dimensional table

C) Relational DBMS

RDBMS is a program that serves a database system whose main entity consists of tables that have relations from one table to another.

Further Explanation

RDBMS is short for Relational Database Management System.

A database consists of many tables. This table consists of many fields which are the columns. Fill in each row of this table is data.

To create an integrated database system, one table has another relationship that must always be maintained. Each table has a primary key, this primary key is then linked to the second table and becomes the foreign key for this second table.

Various kinds of relations in the database

  • one-to-one
  • one-to-many
  • many-to-many

RDBMS will maintain that the data which is the key relation of foreign_key and primary_key is data that is really related to one another. If there is data that is incorrectly connected, RDMBS will reject the data. This will make it easier for program makers (software developers) to do the coding because it is assisted by automatic checking by RDBMS.

The complaint that arises and is generally known about the existence of RDBMS is the fact that the current implementation is seen as too "static". Speculation has also arisen over the possibility of creating a new generation database system that uses a "dynamically relational" model with columns that can be created dynamically, dynamically developing sizes, dynamically defined.

Learn More

RDBMS https://brainly.com/question/14004953

primary/foreign key https://brainly.com/question/14004953


Class: College

Subject: Business

Keywords: database, relational, table