Check the following calculations
1. Observed Time for the task,
OT = Sum of Task Times / Total Number of Observations = (27 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 13) / 5 = 20 seconds.
2. Performance Rating, PR = 120% = 1.20
Normal time for the task, NT = Observed Time for the task (OT) Performance Rating (PR) = 20 x 1.20 = 24 seconds.
3. Performance Rating, PR = 120% = 1.20
Allowance for the task, Allowance = 20% = 0.20 (based on job time).
Standard time for the task
ST = Normal Time for the task (NT) * (1 + Allowance) = 24 x (1 + 0.20) = 28.8 seconds.