i have the assembly for the max. can someone change the variables of it and make it min. I mean, the assembly for finding the min of the flaoting points. Please!!!
.model flat
_max PROC ;name of fucntion
push ebp ; save caller frame pointer
mov ebp, esp ; establish current frame pointer
mov ebx, [ebp+8] ; store address of first array element into ebx
mov ecx, [ebp+12] ; store the size of array into ecx
xor edx, edx ; initialize loop counter edx to zero
fld dword ptr[ebx] ; load first array element arrary onto st(0)
inc edx ; increment loop counter in edx
fld dword ptr[ebx+edx*4] ; load next array element onto st(1)
fcom st(1) ; compare st(0) with st(1)
fstsw ax ; copy the Status Word containing the result to AX
fwait ; insure the previous instruction is completed
sahf ; transfer the condition codes to the CPU's flag register
ja lookNext ; if st(0) > st(1) jump to lookNext to continue with next array element
fcomp ; pop st(0) because new maximum is in st(1)
; after pop, the new max is again in st(0)
inc edx ; increment counter in edx
cmp ecx, edx ; compare array size in ecx with loop counter in edx
jg loopMax ; if ecx > edx then jump to loopMax
pop ebp ; restore caller frame pointer
ret ; return contents of st(0)_max ENDP