
J.P. Morgan Chase & Company wanted to hire the children of prominent Chinese officials. Considering legal and ethical standards for hiring in the United States, which of the following questions would be most appropriate for an interviewer in the United States to ask during a structured interview to explore an applicant's family connections?

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The interviewer should structure the interview in a way that helps him find out:

  1. Whether the applicants hold parallel job positions in China, and if they do, whether those parallel positions conflict with corporate standards, and general federal law.
  2. Whether the applicants understand the basics of US ethical standards (and J.P. Morgan standards), and US law so that they have a general and reasonable idea of what actions are forbbiden under American codes.
  3. Whether the applicants itend to engage in financial transactions with Chinese officials, and whether the money that would be used would come from J.P. Morgan or not.
  4. This might sound overboard, but as the applicants come from a country that is known to engage in spying, intellectual property stealing, and general involvement with internal issues in other countries, the interviewer should try to ask probing questions to find out if the applicants are some sort of spies or not.