Answer:. Glucose is stored as glycogen, which can be broken down to supply energy during the event.
Carbohydrate loading is for contant supply of energy as ATPs for the skeletal muscles cells to sustain contraction during high intense activity, (e.g. long distant swimming), to reduce fatigue, and increase performance for upmost performance.
The mechanism of carbohydrate load involved; the increase in intake of high carbohydrate meals a few weeks before the commencement of the sporting activities. The excess carbohydrate is stored as muscle glycogen, liver glycogen and brain glycogen.
During intense physical activites the body depends on the muscle glycogen. This is converted to glucose -6-phopahate which enters into glycolysis, and Krebs’s cycle to generate ATPs.
The use of muscle glycogen during strenuous exercise reduces blood glucose uptake, and ensured that its level is at a relatively constant value for the body homeostatic conditions, without exogenous carbohydrate intake.