1) Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentences.
1. The afraid/frightened children hid during the storm.
2. We heard angry/annoyed voices from next door.
3. There are a lot of alone/lonely old people in the world.
4. There were a lot of glad/happy faces at the party.
5. He picked up the asleep/sleeping child and put her to bed.

2) Replace the brackets words with extreme adjectives.
1. The film was (very funny).
2. We were (very tired) when we got home because we'd been travelling all day.
3. My sister was (really angry) when I spilled coffee on her laptop.
4. I'm (really hungry) because I didn't have time for breakfast this morning.
5. The little boy was (very frightened) when she heard that someone was stalking her.

3) Complete the sentences with a suitable media word.
1. The paparazzi are always invading people's _______.
2. The singer sued the newspaper for _______ after the article it published about her.
3. Press _______ are in charge of what can and cannot be reported in the news.
4. Investigative _______ has led to a number of political scandals being revealed recently.
5. Celebrities are always in the public ________.
6. Privacy _______ prevented the identity of the victim from being released.

Respuesta :


1.1 frightened

1.3 lonely

1.4 happy

1.5 sleeping

2.1 hilarious

2.2 exhausted

2.3 infuriated

2.4 starved

3.1 privacy


1 Frightened

1.2 Angry

1.3 Lonely

1.4 Happy

1.5 Sleeping

2.1 Hilarious

2.2 Exhausted

2.3 Furious

2.4 Famished

2.5 Scared

3.1 Privacy

3.2 Slander

3.4 Journalism

3.5 Eye

3.6 Protection
