As part of a territorial conflict in Bosnia, ethnic Croats expelled, imprisoned, or killed the Muslim people to whom they had lived peacefully next door for more than five hundred years. This illustrates the concept of:

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Ethnic cleansing


The concept of ethnic cleansing refers to the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas, this goal is achieved through the deportation or displacement (by the use of force) of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups.

Ethnic cleansing can even involve the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group (monuments, places of worship, etc).

This removal of a group from a given territory is done by a more powerful ethnic group. Some of the methods applied to expel these groups can be: to deport them, to transfer to another place, to intimidate them until they leave, to imprison them or even kill them (genocide).

As part of a conflict in Bosnia, ethnic Croats expelled, imprisoned and killed the Muslim people. This happened as part of a territorial conflict. We can see that this is an example of Ethnic cleansing since the Croats were a more powerful ethnic group than the Muslims and they did this in an attempt to homogenize Bosnia by removing all the Muslims. Thus, this is an example of Ethnic cleansing.

Answer: it is a ethnic and nationalist conflict but religious conflict as well. So we have three conflicts at the same time and all these three conflicts were also historical confict because Croats (nation, Catholics) and Muslims (not always Arabs, religiously Muslims and not Catholics) coexisted in the western Balcans for centuries.

Explanation: Muslim invasion to Balcans (Serbia and Croatia) started already in Middle Ages so this coexistence is historical fact that started with medieval Muslim Conquest. Establishment of Yugoslavia and later (after the WW II) communist Yugoslavia (marchal Tito) conserved and surpressed nationalist and religious or ethnic conflict. After the fall of communism old conflicts re-emerged.