Correct the mistakes and write full sentences again. She didn’t finish her homework yet. ________________________________________________________________ Sue has knew Mark for a long time. ________________________________________________________________ Where’s Lucy? – He just left. ________________________________________________________________ He given me a present last week. ________________________________________________________________ The postman hasn't delivered the letter yesterday. ________________________________________________________________

Respuesta :


  1. She didn't finish her homework yet.

     Correct answer: She hasn't finished her homework yet.

    2.  Sue has knew Mark for a long time

     Correct answer: Sue has known Mark for a long time.

    3. Where's lucy? - He just left

     Correct answer: He has just left

    4. He given me a present last week

     Correct answer: He gave me a present last week

    5. The postman hasn't delivered the letter yesterday

     Correct answer: The postman didn't deliver the letter yesterday.


I underlined the mistakes in the sentences and then wrote the correct form in italics below.

From the first sentence to the third one, the tense used is present perfect. This tense is form by the auxiliary verb have ( I,you,we,they) or has (he, she, it) plus, a main verb in present participle if its irregular or past if its regular, e.g I've started to do my homework or I haven't written the letter yet.

In the last two sentences, the tense used is past simple. We can identify why present perfect isn't correct here because of the time references last week and yesterday. They reffer to an specific time in the past so the correct tense is past simple.


Explanation:She still needs to finish her homework.

She has known Mark for a long time.

He gave me a present last week.

The postman didn’t deliver the letter yesterday.