1. Camouflage
2a. The grasshopper population would overpopulate if lizards were removed from the ecosystem.
2b. The grass population would decrease greatly if lizards were removed from the ecosystem.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Camouflage is a specific structural adaptation that would help an animal survive. This adaptation allows the animal to blend in with its environment and hide from its predators, allowing it to survive.
2a. The grasshopper population would overpopulate if lizards were removed from the ecosystem. Lizards are in the ecosystem to keep the grasshopper population in check and to prevent the population from increasing too greatly.
2b. The grass population would greatly decrease if lizards were removed from the ecosystem. Lizards are in the ecosystem to keep the grasshopper population in check and to prevent the population from increasing too greatly. If the grasshopper population overpopulated, then the grass population would decrease greatly because their food source is the grass. And since there would no longer be any lizards in the environment, then the grasshopper population would just keep on increasing without ever decreasing. That would cause the grass population to decrease because more of it is being eaten than being produced back in the ecosystem.