You are travelling on a narrow two-lane road and are approaching a child riding his bike on the right side of the road. A line of oncoming vehicles following a slow moving truck is approaching in the oncoming lane. You should flash your lights and tap your horn and: slow down and move closer to the truck
Change just a single lane at once. While switching to another lane to get ready for a turn, you should flag your goal to do as such at any rate 200 feet preceding evolving lanes or turning. Your sign separation must be in any event 300 feet before the turn in the event that you are working a vehicle in a speed zone of at any rate 50 miles for every hour.
Try not to zigzag all around lanes, which will significantly build your hazard of a mishap. On the thru-way, more slow vehicles should utilise the correct lane. Leave the left-hand lane for quicker moving or passing vehicles. Keep below principles when you are moving to another lane: