Question 1 with 1 blank(disfrutar, comer, vivir) yo Question 2 with 1 blank(traer, adelgazar, compartir) tú Question 3 with 1 blank(venir, estar, correr) usted Question 4 with 1 blank(leer, resolver, poner) ella Question 5 with 1 blank(decir, romper, hacer) ellos Question 6 with 1 blank(mantenerse, dormirse) nosotros Question 7 with 1 blank(estar, escribir, ver) yo Question 8 with 1 blank(vivir, correr, morir) él

Respuesta :


Question 1 with 1 blank(disfrutar, comer, vivir) yo

Yo disfruto, como, vivo.

Question 2 with 1 blank(traer, adelgazar, compartir) tú

Tu traes, adelgazas, compartes.

Question 3 with 1 blank(venir, estar, correr) usted

Usted viene, está, corre.

Question 4 with 1 blank(leer, resolver, poner) ella

Ella lee, resuelve, pone.

Question 5 with 1 blank(decir, romper, hacer) ellos

Ellos dicen, rompen, hacen.

Question 6 with 1 blank(mantenerse, dormirse) nosotros

Nosotros nos mantenemos, nos dormimos.

Question 7 with 1 blank(estar, escribir, ver) yo

Yo estoy, escribo, veo.

Question 8 with 1 blank(vivir, correr, morir) él

Él vive, corre, muere


Todos los verbos en español se conjugan en presente cambiando la desinencia de los mismos. Por eso es importante ejercitar su conjugación de forma escrita y de forma oral. No todos los verbos siguen el mismo patrón de conjugación, los verbos pronominales o irregulares siguen patrones diferentes a los otros verbos que deben ser aprendidos de memoria.

All verbs in Spanish are conjugated in present tense by changing their ending. That is why it is important to practice those conjugations in writing and speaking. Not all verbs follow the same patterns, pronominal and irregular verbs follow different patterns that must be learned by heart.

The correct conjugation in Present Tense of the given verbs in Spanish is:

  1. disfruto, como, vivo.
  2. traes, adelgazas, compartes.
  3. viene, está, corre.
  4. lee, resuelve, pone.
  5. dicen, rompen, hacen.
  6. nos mantenemos, nos dormimos.
  7. estoy, escribo, veo.
  8. vive, corre, muere.

Present Tense in Spanish

To use the proper conjugation of the verbs in each case, it must be recognized that although all the conjugations are in the Present, these conjugations vary with respect to the personal pronoun or noun that is found with them, with the only variation that the conjugations of the pronouns "usted," "él," "ella," and "ello," are identical.

If you want to learn more about Present Tense in Spanish, you can visit the following link:

Universidad de Mexico