The correct words that explains the sentences are:
1. Una mujer que espera un bebé.
- Embarazada.
2. La oficina del doctor.
- Consultorio.
3. Articulación entre el pie y la pierna.
- Tobillo.
4. Articulación que nos permite doblar la pierna.
- Rodilla.
5. Fotografía interna de un hueso.
- Radiografía.
6. Nota que escribe el doctor recomendando un medicamento.
- Receta médica.
The answers were selected by the next reasons:
1. A pregnant woman in Spanish is Embarazada.
2. The doctor's office in Spanish is Consultorio.
3. The joint between the foot and the leg in Spanish is Tobillo.
4. A joint that allows bending the leg in Spanish is Rodilla.
5. A photography of a bone in Spanish is Radiografía.
6. The doctor's note that recommends a medicament in Spanis is Receta médica.