develop a product service idea.

A. Describe the product/service including the benefits of using the product/service

B. Discuss the potential customers for this product/service

2. Based on the nature of the product/service, recommend at least 3 possible social media to use in marketing the product/service. Describe your recommendations and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Respuesta :


Read the following explanation.


1a- My products idea is the auto-home temperature control system which will benefit the customers to control the temperature of their home in winter time. this product is both automatic means customer can control this system with remote and use of internet as well as manually by changing its settings.

b- The potential customers for this product are based on geographic segmentation in which customers who live in cold countries like Canada, America, Atlanta, Russia will be targeted.

another potential custome segmentation will be based on demographic in which customers who are professionals like doctors, lawyers, or job doers and having average to high income level will be targeted like income level from $50000-above $150000.

2-the three possible way to market my product are-

a-Use of google in which customers will type the name of my product and it will list on top because of SEO and i will rank my product on top list so that customers can click and read about my product on my website easily.

the pro of this that customers will get information easily and place order. this will help to build good image of my product being top at google list.

the con is that this may cost more to put my product on top of search engine list.

b- The use of social media like Fb post, instagram etc in which my product will get advantage of being marketed to wide range of audience at low cost. also there are billions of users on social media so we can reach to them in less time.

the con of this is that use of social media involves other big brands and products already so customers tend to ignore such ads.

c- the third would be use of TV commercials in which we would use celebrity influenece to market my products. the advantage of this is that Customers will be influneced by celebrity power and will order the product. Tv commercials will have customers who are ignored by social media.

the con of this is that this may cost extra to hire celebrity also customers who are to watch Tv shows or movies tend to skip ads.