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The word Quran means reading, proclamation. For Muslims the Quran or for the holy book where they are collected as Allah's words, communicated to Mohammed by the arcane Gabriel as mediator. The Quran is made up of 114 suras or chapters and has 6,226 verses. The chapters of the Quran are ordered from largest to smallest, except the first sura which is a subtle one to Allah and the last two, which are magic formulas to protect the sacred text. The suras or chapters have neither logical nor historical order. These are many topics and include historical references from the Old Testament of the Bible. The Quran was first printed in Europe in the 16th century, and in Muslim countries in the year 1787. In 1923, in Cairo, it set the current Quran for the entire Islamic world; who made King Fuad I, is a so-called edition of King Fuad. Muslims do not like the Quran to be translated into other languages ​​as they say it misses the mysterious spell that gives the Arabic language.