Fighting Advertising Scheduling
There are 3 types of advertising scheduling techniques as under:
1) Continuous (Continuity) Advertising Scheduling
In this type of scheduling, the advertising is run through out the year at the same pace/frequency.
2) Fighting Advertising Scheduling
In this category, we plan to advertise for some specific time intervals and it is mostly for the seasonal products whereas for the rest of the interval there is no advertisement at all.
(For example, advertising of fish in the winter season only)
3) Pulsing Advertising Scheduling
This type is combination of continuous & fighting advertising scheduling, and this runs throughout the year at some base level but for some specific intervals it's pace is enhanced as compared to the base level.
(For example, if runs twice a day for 11 months and runs thrice a day for the 12th month)
Concentrated Advertising Scheduling:
Then there comes this additional type which for the one time launched products and run only for their short interval of time.
(For example, if a one time trip is planned by some company, the company will launch the advertising for one/two months before the trip then it will never launch the advertising after having the trip.)