1,3- dichlorobutane
The IUPAC name of given compound is 1,3- dichlorobutane.
First of all we will select the longest chain.
The given compound is straight chain. So the compound have four carbon atoms means parent name will butane.
Then we will see the position of functional group. Gives the lowest possible number to the functional group attached.
In given compound one chlorine atom is attached on left side and other is on right side. we will start the numbering from left because in this way chlorine will get lowest possible number which 1 and 3.
As we start the numbering from left the one chlorine atom get number one and other is attached on carbon 3 will have number 3.
There are two chlorine atoms so we will give name "dichloro"
The name will be,
1,3- dichlorobutane.