Respuesta :
1. No, mi primo Andrés ya viajó a Perú.
2. No, yo ya busqué una tienda de computadoras en el centro comercial.
3. No, ya encontramos muchas rebajas en el centro.
The exercise aims for you to practice the preterite tense of regular verbs in Spanish.
Here is the translation of the complete exercise:
Will your cousin Andrés travel to Peru?
No, my cousin Andrés already traveled to Peru.
Are you going to look for a computer store in the mall?
No, I already looked for a computer store in the mall.
Are we going to find many discounts in the center?
No, we already found many discounts in the center.
The past in Spanish
In Spanish we have four verb tenses in the indicative way to speak in the past: the pretérito imperfecto, the pretérito indefinido (pretérito perfecto simple), el pretérito perfecto y el pretérito pluscuamperfecto.
In this case the exercise focuses in pretérito perfecto simple or pretérito indefinido.
The past perfect simple or past tense (indefinite) is formed based on the root of the verb (infinitive minus -ar, -er or -ir) and adding the following endings.
yo canté
tu cantaste
el/ella cantó
nosotros/as cantamos
vosotros/as cantareis
ellos/ellas cantaron
yo tosí
tu tosiste
el/ella tosió
nosotros/as tosimos
vosotros/as tosisteis
ellos/ellas tosieron
yo viví
tu viviste
el/ella vivió
nosotros/as vivimos
vosotros/as vivisteis
ellos/ellas vivieron