During a gravimetric analysis experiment to determine the salt (NaCl) content of a chicken soup sample, a precipitate of silver chloride was produced, dried and weighed. The sources of error in the analysis includeI) The precipitate was not washed before it was dried.II) The soup contained some sodium iodide in addition to the sodium chloride.III) Some precipitate remained in the reaction flask after the filtration process. Which of these errors could account for a lower than expected mass of silver chloride precipitate?

Respuesta :

III) Some precipitate remained in the reaction flask after the filtration process.


I) The precipitate was not washed before it was dried - the mass will be higher than the expected mass of silver chloride precipitate, because if you do not wash the sample, impurities will remain and will have a positive influence on the mass.

II) The soup contained some sodium iodide in addition to the sodium chloride - the mass will be higher than the expected mass of silver chloride precipitate, because the iodine have a mass three higher than the chlorine mass so the silver iodine (AgI) salt which is also formed in the precipitation reaction will a positive influence on the mass.

III) Some precipitate remained in the reaction flask after the filtration process - the mass will be lower than the expected mass of silver chloride precipitate, because the measured value of the sample will not take in account the amount of silver chloride precipitate which remained in the flask.

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silver chloride


