Find a poet who appeals to you from a culture other than your own in our text Compact Literature. Why does his or her work appeal to you? Explain your ideas and feelings so that your colleagues can understand why you have chosen this particular author. *Note that the poet that you choose to discuss in this posting should come from a culture that is different from your own. You need to explain those differences and how they are reflected in the poet’s work. You will have to do a little research for this particular discussion posting, but you can also use your textbook to help you. Make sure to include a specific poem from this poet and explain why you like it.

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Poet chosen: Alejandra Pizarnik

Poem: sex, night


Alejandra Pizarnik is a very well know poet. She was born in Buenos Aires. Her poems are genious, because she manages to express a kind of madness within her. She isn´t an american women, she lived in Buenos Aires and then she went to live in other cities like for instance Paris, her wrtiting is influenced by this two cultures.

In her writting she can express a non acomodation, it is a women writting about things that aren´t pretty, that rip her heart. She writes to express what makes her tremble and despear.

A particular intrest is that she writes poems that talk about madness, her own madness. A particulary detail about her biography is that she was in a mental institution, and also that she killed hersefl.

She read a lot of french writers, and she has friends with them. Influenced by Rimbaud, Arthoud. She was consider a feminist and she was able to express with her poems her passion and sadness.

Universidad de Mexico