What does the word psychology mean to you? What preconceived perceptions about the field of psychology do you bring with you to this course? Think about modern cinema and television. Do you believe that the psychologist is portrayed in a realistic light? Why or why not? What is the impression of psychotherapy that is conveyed through the media? Explain.

Respuesta :

1- To me, psychology means the discipline that tries to explain human behavior and its complexities.

2- That is easy to major in psychology but one has to read a lot to do so. That being insightful is needed if you want to pursue a career in this field.

3- Not really. Usually, in Tv and movies psychologist are portraited as Psychoanalysts or therapists. In real life, the field of the psychologist is broader and not everything is about psychotherapy.

4- That is a magical solution, that the therapists only listen to your problems and they magically disappear, that is easy, that is magical, that hypnosis work 100% of the time. That "shrinks" are crazier than their patients, that having a mental illness means that you are an aggressive person, and so on. Media either glamorizes or stigmatizes the figure of the psychotherapist.