Respuesta :
Answer: 5.
After the right-handed twin chose a deer antler as a weapon, he overpowered his brother, and he threw him off the edge of the Earth.
A compound-complex sentence calls for a Dependent Clause (a clause that has a subject and verb but an introductory word - in this case "After"). Add to that it must also contain a conjunction joining two Independent Clauses (stands alone as a sentence containing a subject and verb).
After the right-handed twin chose a deer antler as a weapon, he overpowered his brother, and he threw him off the edge of the Earth.
A compound-complex sentence calls for a Dependent Clause (a clause that has a subject and verb but an introductory word - in this case "After"). Add to that it must also contain a conjunction joining two Independent Clauses (stands alone as a sentence containing a subject and verb).