If you have a high blood cholesterol level and a family history of heart disease, you should limit consumption of eggs to _____ egg yolk(s) per week.
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1

Respuesta :

The answer is C.2 . Boom home-skillet!!! Enjoy your good health and egg whites!

Eggs contain good quality protein and are a source of healthy fats including omega-3 fats and the egg yolk includes Vitamins A, D, E and B12, riboflavin, selenium and folate. However, it is also a source of dietary cholesterol.  A healthy person (without high blood pressure) can eat 6 to 7 eggs weekly. If you have a high blood cholesterol level and a family history of heart disease, you should limit consumption of eggs to 2 egg yolk(s) per week. Correct answer: C