
Human growth hormone is a drug used to treat children suffering from endocrine deficiencies some athletes use it illegally to

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An HGH helps children with endocrine deficiencies because it helps them grow I knew a girl who had this and had to do the treatment because she couldn't grow properly. Athletes use it illegally to sometimes lose weight and to grow muscle it's another type of steroid. 


Growth hormone is used for some athletes, illegaly, to increase muscle mass.


   Human growth hormone (GH) is produced by the pituitary gland (in the brain). This hormone is essential for providing physical growth. Deficiency in its production is responsible for dwarfism, that is, for the very short stature of some people. Overproduced, it causes acromegaly, for example, overgrowth of the feet, hands, ears and nose.

    Genetic problems, birth trauma or radiation due to tumors in the pituitary region may result in a lack of growth hormone and, consequently, a lack of production of IGF-1 (also essential for growth), impairing the child's physical development. Deficiency of these hormones will make her a dwarf.  

     Athletes take illegaly supraphysiological doses, that is, far above the body's need and develop acromegaly.  Excessive levels of this GH in the body not only disfigure the physiognomy and increase the extremities, but often lead to diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism, gynecomastia and even to cancer.

   GH is widely used by both athletes and physical activity practitioners to accelerate fatty acid oxidation and increase amino acid uptake. Since GH has anabolic and lipolytic action, some athletes use it in order to increase their muscle mass.